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Why Linux HDCP isn't the end of the world

December 11, 2017 by Daniel Stone  |   Blog

Recently, Sean Paul from Google's ChromeOS team, submitted a patch series to enable HDCP - or High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection - support for the Intel display driver.

Why Linux HDCP isn't the end of the world

Quick hack: Building ChromiumOS for QEMU

December 01, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

Getting ChromiumOS building is reasonably easy, but running it under QEMU requires some work. Here's a guide to help you build all of the software needed to do so.

Quick hack: Building ChromiumOS for QEMU

Your partner in adopting SRT

November 28, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're delighted to be one of the 33 new members of the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Alliance, a group dedicated to accelerating interoperability of video streaming solutions and fostering collaboration with industry leaders to achieve lower latency…

Your partner in adopting SRT

Running Chromium with Ozone-GBM on a GNU/Linux desktop

November 27, 2017 by Alexandros Frantzis  |   Blog

Ozone is Chromium’s next-gen platform abstraction layer for graphics and input. When developing either Ozone itself or an application that uses Ozone, it is often beneficial to be able to run the code on the development machine, which is usually a typical…

Running Chromium with Ozone-GBM on a GNU/Linux desktop

ipcpipeline: Splitting a GStreamer pipeline into multiple processes

November 17, 2017 by George Kiagiadakis  |   Blog

Earlier this year I worked on a certain GStreamer plugin that is called “ipcpipeline”. This plugin provides elements that make it possible to interconnect GStreamer pipelines that run in different processes. In this blog post I am going to explain how…

ipcpipeline: Splitting a GStreamer pipeline into multiple processes

Capitole du Libre

November 16, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're headed to France’s southern Occitanie region to attend and sponsor the 6th edition of Capitole du Libre, a weekend dedicated to free and Open Source software!

Capitole du Libre

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.14

November 13, 2017 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi  |   News & Events

Linux Kernel 4.14 is out, and once again Collabora developers were very active, contributing nearly 200 patches, reviews & sign-offs combined during this development cycle!

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.14

Linux Developer Conference Brazil

November 10, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're very excited to be sponsoring and speaking at the very first Linux Developer Conference Brazil, taking place on November 11 at the Instituto de Computação in Campinas!

Linux Developer Conference Brazil

Quick hack: Experiments with crosvm

November 09, 2017 by Tomeu Vizoso  |   Blog

Running crosvm outside Chromium OS is quite easy, with the only complication being that minijail isn't widely packaged in distros. In these instructions, we hack around the issue with linker environment variables so we don't have to install it properly.

Quick hack: Experiments with crosvm

European R-Car Consortium Forum

November 08, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

On November 8, we'll be in Düsseldorf, Germany, to take part & exhibit at the 1st edition of the Renesas European R-Car Consortium Forum, a one-day event aimed at bringing together OEMs and Tier1s to discuss the future of car mobility.

European R-Car Consortium Forum

Tracing memory leaks in the NFC Digital Protocol stack

November 06, 2017 by Thierry Escande  |   Blog

Kmemleak allows you to track possible memory leaks inside the Linux kernel. Basically, it tracks dynamically allocated memory blocks in the kernel and reports those without any reference left and that are therefore impossible to free.

Tracing memory leaks in the NFC Digital Protocol stack

Embedded Linux Conference Europe

October 20, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Following a weekend at the GStreamer Conference, Collabora will be continuing its week-long stay in Prague by sponsoring, exhibiting and speaking at Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2017.

Embedded Linux Conference Europe

Build your own application with GTK 4 as a Meson subproject!

April 29, 2021 by Xavier Claessens  |   Blog

Building GTK 4 as a Meson subproject for your own application is not only useful for Windows builds, but also for many Linux distributions that do not yet package a recent enough version of GTK 4 and/or its dependencies.

Build your own application with GTK 4 as a Meson subproject!

Profiling virtualized GPU acceleration with Perfetto

April 22, 2021 by Antonio Caggiano  |   Blog

Recently, we have been using Perfetto to successfully profile Apitrace traces in crosvm through VirGL renderer. We have now added perfetto instrumentation to VirGL renderer, Mesa, and Apitrace to see what happens precisely in a frame.

Profiling virtualized GPU acceleration with Perfetto

Continuous 3D Hand Pose Tracking using Machine Learning & Monado

April 20, 2021 by Marcus Edel  |   Blog

As part of a project backed by INVEST-AI, a program managed by IVADO Labs, we have developed a multi-stage neural network-based solution that accurately locates and tracks the hands despite complex background noise and occlusion between hands.

Continuous 3D Hand Pose Tracking using Machine Learning & Monado

An easy to use MTP implementation for your next embedded Linux project

April 13, 2021 by Andrzej Pietrasiewicz  |   Blog

Did you know you could run a permissively-licensed MTP implementation with minimal dependencies on an embedded device? Here's a step-by-step guide on how to easily run cmtp-responder on a Rock Pi 4 or any other board equipped with a UDC.

An easy to use MTP implementation for your next embedded Linux project

Rust: integrating LLVM source-base code coverage with GitLab

March 24, 2021 by Guillaume Desmottes  |   Blog

Earlier this year, the Rust compiler gained support for LLVM source-base code coverage. In this post we'll explain how to setup a CI job in a Rust project to feed source-base coverage information to GitLab.

Rust: integrating LLVM source-base code coverage with GitLab

Build and run GTK 4 applications with Visual Studio

March 18, 2021 by Xavier Claessens  |   Blog

Over the past few months, I've been working on a side project to improve Meson sub-project support. The best stress test is to build projects on Windows, without msys2, because it has no dependencies or tools installed (e.g. pkg-config).

Build and run GTK 4 applications with Visual Studio

New features, changes & improvements to KernelCI's UI

March 04, 2021 by Alexandra Pereira  |   Blog

The most complete automated testing and continuous integration tool for the Linux kernel continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Here's a look at the latest improvements to the KernelCI dashboard, the main web interface used by the project.

New features, changes & improvements to KernelCI's UI

Asymmetric Multi Processing with Linux & Zephyr on the STM32MP1

March 03, 2021 by Arnaud Ferraris  |   Blog

In the embedded world, many modern SoCs such as the ST Microelectronics STM32MP1 now include coprocessor cores which can be used for a wide range of tasks and can offload some of the work from the main processor.

Asymmetric Multi Processing with Linux & Zephyr on the STM32MP1

Adding HEVC/H.265 support for NXP's i.MX 8M

February 17, 2021 by Benjamin Gaignard  |   Blog

Our recent efforts on the Hantro kernel driver have resulted in the addition of H.264 decoding support and multiple performance improvements. We are now introducing High Efficiency Video Coding, also known as H.265, decoding support on NXP's i.MX8 M.

Adding HEVC/H.265 support for NXP's i.MX 8M

Network adaptive streaming with Hwangsaeul

February 08, 2021 by Jakub Adam  |   Blog

Hwangsaeul, or H8L, a remote surveillance streaming solution, utilizes the capability of libsrt to collect statistics from open SRT sockets and by continuously analyzing the available data tries to detect potential connectivity issues.

Network adaptive streaming with Hwangsaeul

Trimming apitrace workload captures for better Mesa testing

February 01, 2021 by Gert Wollny  |   Blog

Complex, real-world correctness tests and performance analysis are now possible thanks to gltrim, a new tool recently added to apitrace, designed to trim replayable traces to single, user-defined frames.

Trimming apitrace workload captures for better Mesa testing

GStreamer on Windows: adding WebRTC support to a gst-build install

January 28, 2021 by Aaron Boxer  |   Blog

Earlier this week, WebRTC became an official W3C and IETF standard. GStreamer has a powerful and rapidly maturing WebRTC implementation. So, the obvious question is: how do we build this on Windows?

GStreamer on Windows: adding WebRTC support to a gst-build install

Event: DebConf16

June 30, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Collabora is proud to be sponsoring DebConf16, the annual Debian developers meeting, taking place in Cape Town, South Africa, from 2 July to 9 July 2016.

Event: DebConf16

News: GStreamer leaks tracer

June 22, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

At Collabora, our multimedia team is always looking to improve QA tools in GStreamer. This week, we're introducing a new QA tool: a GStreamer tracer to track leaked objects.

News: GStreamer leaks tracer

Event: InfoComm 2016

June 07, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Collabora will be exhibiting at InfoComm 2016, the largest, most exciting event in the United States focused on the pro-AV industry, in Last Vegas on June 8-10, 2016.

Event: InfoComm 2016

News: Linux Kernel 4.6

May 18, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Linux Kernel 4.6 was released this week, with a total of 9 Collabora engineers taking part in its development, Collabora’s highest number of engineers contributing to a single Linux Kernel release yet!

News: Linux Kernel 4.6

Event: GStreamer Spring Hackfest 2016

May 13, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Starting today, 13 May, and throughout the weekend, four Collaborans will be attending the GStreamer Spring Hackfest 2016 in Thessaloniki, Greece!

Event: GStreamer Spring Hackfest 2016

Event: Apertis hands-on session, April 28

April 11, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

On Thursday 28th of April in Paris, France Bosch and Collabora will be hosting the first Apertis hands-on session during the GENIVI AMM. The session will give everyone present an opportunity to work first hand with Apertis and produce applications to…

Event: Apertis hands-on session, April 28

News: Vulkan 1.0 specification released

February 16, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Today sees the public release of Vulkan 1.0, the next-generation graphics API from the Khronos Group. As a member of Khronos, Collabora has been committed to improving EGL, OpenGL ES and OpenGL itself, and this continues with Vulkan.

News: Vulkan 1.0 specification released

Event: ISE 2016

December 17, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - from 09/02/2016 to 12/02/2016: We'll be exhibiting at ISE 2016, the world's largest tradeshow dedicated to professional AV and electronic systems integration. Collabora booth 8-K321

Event: ISE 2016

Event: systemd.conf 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Berlin, Germany - from 05/11/2015 to 07/11/2015: The systemd.conf is the first conference devoted to the systemd project. It aims to bring developers, distribution packagers and devops professionals together to present, discuss, and work on that topics that will shape the future of the systemd project.

Event: systemd.conf 2015

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

A Coruña, Spain - from 07/12/2015 to 09/12/2015: The Web Engines Hackfest is a hacking oriented invitation-only event involving members from all parts of the Web Platform community, including those who work on Blink, WebKit, Gecko, and Servo.

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

October 13, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Seoul, South Korea - From 20/10/2015 to 23/10/2015: We will be exhibiting at the GENIVI Showcase during the All Member Meeting.

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

September 28, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Dublin, Ireland - from 08/10/2015 to 09/10/2015: The GStreamer Conference is a conference for anyone interested in the GStreamer multimedia framework or Open Source and cross-platform multimedia.

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

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Here are the events we'll be attending in the coming weeks – come say hello!


February 1-2, Brussels, Belgium

Embedded World

March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany


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