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Collabora in Linux Format

March 22, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Check out the April issue (#222) of Linux Format magazine for our new monthly column on all things Open Source, including graphics, multimedia and more!

Collabora in Linux Format

Performance analysis in Linux

March 21, 2017 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi  |   Blog

Modern CPUs implement a number of technologies that may affect application performance in unpredictable ways. Figuring out what is going wrong with an application can be a hard task, but it can become much easier with the correct analysis tools.

Performance analysis in Linux

Kernel debugging with QEMU: An overview of tools available

March 13, 2017 by Frédéric Dalleau  |   Blog

Once you've setup a virtual machine in QEMU using debootstrap, there are a number of tools available for testing, tracing and debugging, such as Kmemleak for memory leaks, GDB (GNU Debugger), ftrace et dynamic_debug.

Kernel debugging with QEMU: An overview of tools available

Quick hack: Removing the Chromebook Write-Protect screw

March 08, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

Before being able to write firmware data to any production Chromebook device, the Write-Protect screw has to be removed.

Quick hack: Removing the Chromebook Write-Protect screw

Two weeks, four events!

March 07, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Over the next two weeks, Collaborans will be present at four different events across the globe. If you plan on attending at any of these conferences, please reach out and say hello!

Two weeks, four events!

A flurry of open source graphics milestones

March 01, 2017 by Daniel Stone  |   Blog

The past few months have been busy ones on the open-source graphics front, bringing with them Wayland 1.13, Weston 2.0 and Mesa 17.0. Here's a look at some of these developments, including Collabora's behind-the-scenes work on performance improvement.

A flurry of open source graphics milestones

Quick hack: Precompiling APK files during Android AOSP build

February 23, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

How to create your custom Android image, and APK app(s), all at once.

Quick hack: Precompiling APK files during Android AOSP build

Embedded Linux Conference 2017

February 21, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Starting today, and for the next few days, Collaborans will be taking part in this year's Embedded Linux Conference North America, the "premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using Linux in embedded products".

Embedded Linux Conference 2017

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.10

February 20, 2017 by Gustavo Padovan  |   News and Events

Linux Kernel 4.10 is out, and this time Collabora contributed a total of 39 patches by 10 different developers.

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.10

Quick hack: Setting up a ChromiumOS dev environment

February 16, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

How to set up a fully functional ChromiumOS development environment on actual Chromebook hardware.

Quick hack: Setting up a ChromiumOS dev environment

Optimizing graphics memory bandwidth with compression and tiling: Notes on DRM format modifiers

February 09, 2017 by Varad Gautam  |   Blog

Over the past few weeks, I have been working for Collabora on plumbing DRM format modifier support across a number of components in the graphics stack. This post documents the work and the related consequences/implications.

Optimizing graphics memory bandwidth with compression and tiling: Notes on DRM format modifiers

Hello Amsterdam!

February 08, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

On February 8 & 9, Collabora will be attending Integrated Systems Europe 2017, the world's largest tradeshow dedicated to professional AV and electronic systems integration, taking place at the Amsterdam RAI.

Hello Amsterdam!

Celebrating 30 years. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

September 15, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   Blog

Standing on the shoulders of giants. As Collabora turns 10 years this month, we are forced to stop and marvel at the accomplishments of GNU in its 30 years of existence. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

Celebrating 30 years. Happy 30th anniversary GNU

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.2

August 25, 2015 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog Collabora contributions

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.2

Collabora contributions to Linux kernel 4.1

August 24, 2015 by Javier Martinez Canillas  |   Blog Collabora contributions

Collabora contributions to Linux kernel 4.1

Alex's work experience at Collabora

August 06, 2015 by Alex Shtyrov  |   Blog

A student intership experience at Collabora

Alex's work experience at Collabora

Why polkit (or, how to mount a disk on modern Linux)

June 08, 2015 by Simon McVittie  |   Blog

Why udisks2 and polkit are the way they are

Why polkit (or, how to mount a disk on modern Linux)

Checking D-Bus API stability

June 02, 2015 by Philip Withnall  |   Blog

D-Bus API features

Checking D-Bus API stability

Collabora contributions to Linux kernel 4.0

May 11, 2015 by Javier Martinez Canillas  |   Blog

Collabora upstream work on Linux kernel

Collabora contributions to Linux kernel 4.0

Lucid sleep in the free desktop

May 01, 2015 by Tomeu Vizoso  |   Blog

Describes ability of performing work while the machine is in a low power state such as suspend.

Lucid sleep in the free desktop

Tracking the reference count of a GstMiniObject using gdb

April 13, 2015 by Guillaume Desmottes  |   Blog

Debugging GStreamer

Tracking the reference count of a GstMiniObject using gdb

Blink started supporting font-size-adjust css property

March 26, 2015 by ChangSeok Oh  |   Blog

Blink font-size-adjust via CSS properties

Blink started supporting font-size-adjust css property

JPEG-XR support on blink

March 21, 2015 by ChangSeok Oh  |   Blog

JPEG-XR support on browsing technologies

JPEG-XR support on blink

Weston repaint scheduling

February 11, 2015 by Pekka Paalanen  |   Blog

Latest Weston features

Weston repaint scheduling

FOSDEM: Two days, a dozen talks!

January 26, 2018 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Brussels, here we come! We're thrilled to be sponsoring this year's edition of FOSDEM, taking place in just over a week's time (February 3 & 4), at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. Come say hello, or catch one of a dozen talks given by Collaborans!

FOSDEM: Two days, a dozen talks!

Outreachy - Round 15

December 19, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

For a second time this year, Collabora is proud to be sponsoring the latest round (Round 15) of Outreachy internships! More specifically, Collabora has chosen to sponsor the Linux kernel projects for the December 2017 - March 2018 semester.

Outreachy - Round 15

12 reasons to join Collabora

December 14, 2017 by Jassie Badion  |   News & Events

With less than 12 days to go before Christmas, here are 12 reasons, from 12 different people who became Collaborans this year, on why you should consider joining our team!

12 reasons to join Collabora

Your partner in adopting SRT

November 28, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're delighted to be one of the 33 new members of the Secure Reliable Transport (SRT) Alliance, a group dedicated to accelerating interoperability of video streaming solutions and fostering collaboration with industry leaders to achieve lower latency…

Your partner in adopting SRT

Capitole du Libre

November 16, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're headed to France’s southern Occitanie region to attend and sponsor the 6th edition of Capitole du Libre, a weekend dedicated to free and Open Source software!

Capitole du Libre

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.14

November 13, 2017 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi  |   News & Events

Linux Kernel 4.14 is out, and once again Collabora developers were very active, contributing nearly 200 patches, reviews & sign-offs combined during this development cycle!

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.14

Linux Developer Conference Brazil

November 10, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're very excited to be sponsoring and speaking at the very first Linux Developer Conference Brazil, taking place on November 11 at the Instituto de Computação in Campinas!

Linux Developer Conference Brazil

European R-Car Consortium Forum

November 08, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

On November 8, we'll be in Düsseldorf, Germany, to take part & exhibit at the 1st edition of the Renesas European R-Car Consortium Forum, a one-day event aimed at bringing together OEMs and Tier1s to discuss the future of car mobility.

European R-Car Consortium Forum

Embedded Linux Conference Europe

October 20, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Following a weekend at the GStreamer Conference, Collabora will be continuing its week-long stay in Prague by sponsoring, exhibiting and speaking at Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2017.

Embedded Linux Conference Europe

GStreamer Conference 2017

October 19, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

We're thrilled to be once again a platinum sponsor of the annual GStreamer Conference, taking place this weekend (October 21 & 22) at Node5 in Prague, Czech Republic. Come say hello, or catch one of the five presentations given by Collaborans!

GStreamer Conference 2017

Embedded & Kernel Recipes

September 25, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

This week, Collabora is heading to the city of lights, Paris, to sponsor and attend the very first (and sold-out!) edition of Embedded Recipes, as well as the 6th edition of Kernel Recipes!

Embedded & Kernel Recipes

XDC comes to Mountain View

September 20, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

The 2017 X.Org Developer's Conference kicks off today in Mountain View, California, and along with Collaborans attending & presenting, we're delighted to announce the first ever Collabora XDC Happy Hour!

XDC comes to Mountain View

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Upcoming Events

Here are the events we'll be attending in the coming weeks – come say hello!

Embedded World

March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany


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