December 02, 2019 by Enric Balletbò i Serra | News & Events
Linus has released the 5.4 kernel and Collabora was once again a very active contributor with 12 Collaborans authoring 95 commits while also helping the kernel maintainers by contributing 124 Reviewed-by tags.
November 26, 2019 by Aaron Boxer | Blog
With the advent of meson and gst-build, it is now possible to set up a GStreamer Windows development environment that rivals the finest Linux has to offer, with full support for Visual Studio debugging into the library.
November 20, 2019 by Jassie Badion | News & Events
As we begin winding down 2019, it's time to take a moment to celebrate the new Collaborans who joined our various engineering and administrative teams in Q2 & Q3 this year!
October 30, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Following three days at ELCE, Collaborans are continuing their stay in the capital of France’s Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region to take part the annual GStreamer Conference, as well as the Automated Testing Summit.
October 28, 2019 by Guillaume Tucker | News & Events
The KernelCI project, which powers with automated testing for the upstream Linux kernel, has found a new home after sailing through uncharted waters for over five years.
October 25, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Next week, Collabora will be sponsoring, exhibiting & speaking at ELCE in Lyon, France. We'll be showcasing not one but two demos at our booth this year: arcade racing on a ROCK Pi 4 with Panfrost, and GStreamer on the Magic Leap One.
October 24, 2019 by Erik Faye-Lund | Blog
I recently went to XDC 2019, where I gave yet another talk about Zink. I kinda forgot to write a blog-post about it, so here’s me trying to make up for it… or something like that. I’ll also go into some more recent developments as well.
October 09, 2019 by Dafna Hirschfeld | Blog
Prior to joining Collabora, I took part in Round 17 of the Outreachy internships, to work on the virtual drivers in the media subsystem of the Linux kernel, or more specifically, on the vicodec driver.
October 03, 2019 by Pekka Paalanen | Blog
What HDCP is, and why supporting HDCP in Weston is justified in both an economical and technical context.
September 30, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Collabora is proud to be hosting in Montreal the 2019 edition of the X.Org Developer's Conference (XDC), the leading event for developers working on all things Open graphics, including the Linux kernel, Mesa, DRM, Wayland and X11.
September 20, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Next week, Collaborans including Julian Bouzas and Enric Balletbò i Serra will be in Paris to participate in the 3rd edition of Embedded Recipes and 8th edition of Kernel Recipes
September 19, 2019 by Boris Brezillon | News & Events
Linux 5.3 was released over the weekend, which means it's time for our usual "where does Collabora stand in this picture?" tour. As has been the case for several years now, Collabora continues being an active contributor to the Linux kernel.
October 26, 2021 by Xavier Claessens | Blog
Maintaining a non-trivial set of GStreamer patches can be tricky. Thanks to the recent move to a single, unified git repo, you can now easily run a GStreamer continuous integration pipeline on your own GitLab instance. Here's how.
October 08, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado | Blog
Earlier this year, I joined Collabora as an intern to work on improving testing in libcamera and automating it through KernelCI. Having recently completed the internship, here's a look back at this experience and what was accomplished.
September 30, 2021 by Adrian Ratiu | Blog
With the LLVM toolchain seeing increasing development and adoption alongside the older, more established GNU toolchain, projects needing to support both, in particular the GNU C library (glibc), are facing challenges and questions.
September 10, 2021 by Lubosz Sarnecki | Blog
This summer, Christoph Haag and I had the pleasure of taking part in Google Summer of Code as mentors for xrdesktop, the Open Source project bringing the Linux desktop to VR on Valve's SteamVR & Monado. Here's what was accomplished.
June 23, 2021 by Daniel Almeida | Blog
Earlier this year, from January to April 2021, I worked on adding support for stateless decoders for GStreamer as part of a multimedia internship at Collabora. Here's a recap of this completed work.
June 17, 2021 by Marcus Edel | Blog
In our previous post, we presented a project backed by INVEST-AI which introduces a multi-stage neural network-based solution. Now let's dive into the machine learning details of our innovative, open source hand-tracking pipeline.
June 15, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado | Blog
Initiated as a joint effort by the Google Chrome OS team and Collabora, the recent KernelCI hackfest brought the addition of new tests including the ability to detect regressions on the Linux kernel that can directly affect cameras.
June 14, 2021 by Erik Faye-Lund | Blog
There's a lot that has happened in the world of Zink since my last update, so let's see if I can bring you up to date on the most important stuff, including upstream development, support for OpenGL 4.6 & GLES 3.1, and more.
June 11, 2021 by Alyssa Rosenzweig | Blog
Panfrost, the open source driver for Arm Mali, now supports OpenGL ES 3.1 on both Midgard (Mali T760 and newer) and Bifrost (Mali G31, G52, G72) GPUs, adding a number of features, notably including compute shaders.
May 17, 2021 by Gert Wollny | Blog
Collabora has been investing into Perfetto to enable driver authors & users to get deep insights into driver internals and GPU performance. Here's how we applied this work to study workloads on the virtualized VirGL implementation.
May 11, 2021 by Emil Velikov | Blog
The Hantro Video4Linux2 (V4L2) kernel module has gained support for another SoC! The Microchip SAMA5D4 features a single decode unit supporting MPEG2, VP8 and H.264 streams, alongside the built-in post-processing unit.
May 05, 2021 by Frederic Danis | Blog
DKMS is a framework that is mostly used to build and install external kernel modules. It can also be used to install a specific patch to the modules of the current kernel, such as applying a specific fix to the Bluetooth USB subsystem.
November 12, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Widely recognized as the premier event for developers working at all levels of the Linux kernel's plumbing layer and beyond, this year's edition of LPC is jam-packed with microconferences, a refereed track, a Kernel Summit track, multiple BoFs, and more.
November 07, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
While our regular column (this time on Video4Linux, written by Ezequiel Garcia) is alive and well in this month's issue of LXF, there's also something else worth highlighting: a 6-page interview with none other than Collabora's Graphics lead, Daniel Stone!
October 25, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
After three great days attending and catching up with the community at ELCE, Collaborans are continuing their stay in Edinburgh to take part in the GStreamer Conference & Hackfest, the Linux Media Summit and the Automated Testing Summit.
October 22, 2018 by Helen Koike | News & Events
As the curtains rose on opening day of Embedded Linux Conference Europe & Open Source Summit Europe in Edinburgh, the latest release of the Linux Kernel, 4.19, was made available by Greg Kroah-Hartman. Collaborans were once again very active.
October 18, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Next week, Collabora will be sponsoring, exhibiting & speaking at Embedded Linux Confererence Europe in Edinburgh, Scotland. Now in its 13th year, ELCE is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using embedded Linux.
October 15, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
This week, two Collaborans will be in Dresden, Germany to take part in the AGL All Member Meeting. George Kiagiadakis and Daniel Stone will be in attendance, with the former also giving a presentation on the latest happenings in upstream multimedia.
October 12, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
We're headed to Heraklion, Greece, to meet with the Panhellenic FOSS community at FOSSCOMM, a conference for programmers, students and anyone else interested in the open source movement!
September 20, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Next week, Collaborans will be heading to Paris, A Coruña & Berlin, to sponsor and speak at four different conferences: Embedded Recipes, Kernel Recipes, All Systems Go and XDC 2018. See you there?
September 10, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
From September 14 to 18, Collabora will be exhibiting at the IBC Show 2018, the "world's most influential media, entertainment and technology show"! If you are planning on attending, please make sure to stop by our booth, D-15 in Hall 14!
August 28, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Starting tomorrow, Collaborans will be in beautiful British Columbia to take part, and speak, in this year's Open Source Summit North America! If you are planning on attending, come say hello or catch one of our presentations!
August 13, 2018 by Ezequiel Garcia | News & Events
Another two months and a half have passed, Linux Kernel v4.18 has been released, which means it's time to stop along the way and make a little retrospective. This time around, seven Collaborans have contributed to the kernel, authoring 61 commits.
July 31, 2018 by Jassie Badion | News & Events
Comprised of some of the most motivated and active Open Source contributors and maintainers around the world, our team shares a passion for technology and Open Source, as do these newest members. Welcome Gert, Gustavo, Erik, Christoph, Ryan & Ana!
Here are the events we'll be attending in the coming weeks – come say hello!
March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany