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vkmark: more than a Vulkan benchmark

July 18, 2017 by Alexandros Frantzis  |   Blog

Ever since Vulkan was announced a few years ago, the idea of creating a Vulkan benchmarking tool in the spirit of glmark2 had been floating in my mind. Recently, thanks to my employer, Collabora, this idea has materialized! The result is the vkmark Vulkan…

vkmark: more than a Vulkan benchmark

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.12

July 04, 2017 by Martyn Welch  |   News & Events

Linux Kernel 4.12 is out, with 12 Collabora developers having contributed, a new record number of developers contributing to a single kernel release for Collabora!

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.12

Quick hack: Performance debugging Linux graphics on Mesa

June 29, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

Debugging graphics performance in a simple and high-level manner is possible for all Gallium based Mesa drivers using GALLIUM_HUD, a feature that adds performance graphs to applications.

Quick hack: Performance debugging Linux graphics on Mesa

Growing our Core, Graphics & Web teams

June 27, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Our worldwide team of Open Source engineers and developers continues to grow with new additions in Core, Graphics & Web! Welcome Denis Pynkin, Alexandros Frantzis and Santosh Mahto!

Growing our Core, Graphics & Web teams

Debian armhf VM on arm64 server

June 20, 2017 by Sjoerd Simons  |   Blog

At Collabora one of the many things we do is build Debian derivatives/overlays for customers on a variety of architectures including 32 bit and 64 bit ARM systems. And just as Debian does, our OBS system builds on native systems rather than emulators.

Debian armhf VM on arm64 server

NVMe: Officially faster for emulated controllers!

June 13, 2017 by Helen Koike  |   Blog

The feature to improve NVMe performance over emulated environments has now been officially released in the NVMe Specification Revision 1.3 under the name "Doorbell Buffer Config command", along with an implementation in the mainline Linux kernel!

NVMe: Officially faster for emulated controllers!

Android: NXP i.MX6 Buffer Modifier Support

June 05, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

GPUs like Intel and Vivante support storing contents of graphical buffers in different formats. Support for describing these formats using modifiers has now been added to Android and Mesa, enabling tiling artifact free running of Android on the iMX6 platform.

Android: NXP i.MX6 Buffer Modifier Support

Outreachy 2017

June 02, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Collabora is proud to once again be sponsoring the latest round (Round 14) of Outreachy internships, which began earlier this week! More specifically, Collabora has chosen to sponsor the Linux kernel projects for the May-August semester.

Outreachy 2017

Three days, two exhibits, three talks

May 30, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Over the next few days, Collabora is very excited to be taking part in three events where we'll be exhibiting as well as giving talks: Augmented World Expo, Automotive Linux Summit and Open Source Summit Japan.

Three days, two exhibits, three talks

VR World, GStreamer, OSS, Vulkanised!

May 16, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

On the road again! Collaborans are heading to London, A Coruña & Buenos Aires to attend a VR event, a hackfest, a conference on Open Source systems, and a day of technical sessions on Vulkan! See you there?

VR World, GStreamer, OSS, Vulkanised!

Collabora at GENIVI AMM

May 08, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

From May 9 to 11, Collabora will be attending the GENIVI All Member Meeting & Open Community Days: Advancing Connected Vehicles in a Connected World, in Birmingham, UK!

Collabora at GENIVI AMM

Collabora contributions to GStreamer 1.12

May 04, 2017 by Olivier Crête  |   Blog

Along with the usual load of memory leaks, crashes and other bugs, Collabora's multimedia team once again contributed a number of improvements across a wide number of areas.

Collabora contributions to GStreamer 1.12

Automatic regression handling and reporting for the Linux Kernel

March 14, 2024 by Ricardo Cañuelo Navarro  |   Blog

In continuation with our series about Kernel Integration we'll go into more detail about how regression detection, processing, and tracking can be improved to provide a better service to developers and maintainers.

Automatic regression handling and reporting for the Linux Kernel

Almost a fully open-source boot chain for Rockchip's RK3588!

February 21, 2024 by Eugen Hristev  |   Blog

Now included in our Debian images & available via our GitLab, you can build a complete, working BL31 (Boot Loader stage 3.1), and replace the closed binary blob with an open-source binary that anyone can compile.

Almost a fully open-source boot chain for Rockchip's RK3588!

What's the latest with WirePlumber?

February 19, 2024 by George Kiagiadakis  |   Blog

Back in 2022, after a series of issues were found in its design, I made the call to rework some of WirePlumber's fundamentals in order to allow it to grow. So where are we now? And what's next? Let's dive in!

What's the latest with WirePlumber?

DRM-CI: A GitLab-CI pipeline for Linux kernel testing

February 08, 2024 by Helen Koike  |   Blog

Continuing our Kernel Integration series, we're excited to introduce DRM-CI, a groundbreaking solution that enables developers to test their graphics subsystem patches across numerous devices within the community's shared infrastructure.

DRM-CI: A GitLab-CI pipeline for Linux kernel testing

Persian Rug, Part 4 - The limitations of proxies

January 23, 2024 by Edmund Smith  |   Blog

This is the fourth and final part in a series on persian-rug, a Rust crate for interconnected objects. We've touched on the two big limitations: lack of deletion and lack of enforced matching between proxies and containers. Let's look at other solutions.

Persian Rug, Part 4 - The limitations of proxies

How to share code between Vulkan and Gallium

January 16, 2024 by Faith Ekstrand  |   Blog

One of the key high-level challenges of building Mesa drivers these days is figuring out how to best share code between a Vulkan driver and a Gallium driver when Gallium isn't really capable of implementing Vulkan. Here's how.

How to share code between Vulkan and Gallium

Google Open Source Peer Bonus 2023

December 19, 2023 by Mark Filion  |   Blog

Google Open Source have chosen their second group of winners for the 2023 Google Open Source Peer Bonus Program, and Arnaud Ferraris, Senior Software Engineer at Collabora and Mobian project lead, is among the recipients!

Google Open Source Peer Bonus 2023

A new kselftest for verifying driver probe of Devicetree-based platforms

December 11, 2023 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado  |   Blog

As we continue working to improve the kernel integration landscape on multiple fronts, this also means making better tests available for all. Working closely with the community, we have now landed a new, ready-to-use, kselftest in mainline Linux.

A new kselftest for verifying driver probe of Devicetree-based platforms

Thoughts on PipeWire 1.0 and beyond

December 06, 2023 by George Kiagiadakis  |   Blog

We can now confidently say that PipeWire is here to stay. But of course it is not the end of the journey. There are many new areas to explore going forward, especially in WirePlumber and the ecosystem that builds around PipeWire.

Thoughts on PipeWire 1.0 and beyond

Persian Rug, Part 3 - The warp and the weft

December 05, 2023 by Edmund Smith  |   Blog

Our look at the Rust crate for interconnected objects continues, as we examine how persian-rug really does tie the room together by providing a convenient container solution with a safety net to go along with it.

Persian Rug, Part 3 - The warp and the weft

Advocating a better Kernel Integration for all

December 01, 2023 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog

The testing ecosystem in the Linux kernel has been steadily growing, but are efforts sufficiently coordinated? How can we help developers and maintainers integrate code more efficiently? How can we mitigate maintainer burnout?

Advocating a better Kernel Integration for all

WirePlumber: Exploring Lua scripts with Event Dispatcher

October 30, 2023 by Ashok Sidipotu  |   Blog

With the upcoming 0.5 release, WirePlumber's Lua scripts will be transformed with the new Event Dispatcher. More modular and extensible with very little redundant processing, they will look and feel completely different.

WirePlumber: Exploring Lua scripts with Event Dispatcher

GStreamer support for the RIST Specification

April 09, 2019 by Nicolas Dufresne  |   News & Events

Collabora contributes elements implementing the RIST Simple Profile to GStreamer. This specification adds retransmissions to RTP streams in a way that it compatible with existing broadcast encoders and decoders.

GStreamer support for the RIST Specification

Linaro Connect meets Panfrost

March 29, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Next week, Collaborans will be in Bangkok, Thailand, to participate in the 25th edition of Linaro Connect, a gathering of the world's leading open source engineers working on Arm. Tomeu Vizoso and Gustavo Padovan will be in attendance to present Panfrost.

Linaro Connect meets Panfrost

Introducing: Monado

March 18, 2019 by Jakob Bornecrantz  |   News & Events

Following the release of the OpenXR 0.90 Provisional Specification by The Khronos Group, Collabora is proud to announce Monado, an open source implementation of the newly released OpenXR spec.

Introducing: Monado

European R-Car Consortium Forum 2019

March 13, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Tomorrow, March 14, Collabora will be in Düsseldorf, Germany, to take part and exhibit at the second edition of the Renesas European R-Car Consortium Forum!

European R-Car Consortium Forum 2019

Linux Kernel 5.0

March 06, 2019 by Gaël Portay  |   News & Events

The first major release of Linux for the year 2019 was made available earlier this week, and with it came a new version number: 5.0. Here's a look at contributions made by Collaborans!

Linux Kernel 5.0

Automotive Linux in Tokyo

March 04, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Collaborans are in Tokyo this week to take part in the AGL All Member Meeting. They'll be discussing the future of IVI Window Management, and also look at the latest upstream work around the PipeWire framework and how it can benefit the automotive industry.

Automotive Linux in Tokyo

Embedded World 2019

February 20, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Collabora is headed to Nuremberg, Germany to take part in this year's edition of Embedded World, the leading international fair for embedded systems! Come say hello, booth 4-280!

Embedded World 2019


January 23, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

In just over a week's time, Collabora will be heading to Brussels to take part in the 2019 edition of FOSDEM! Come say hello, or catch one of the 8 talks (in 5 different devrooms) given by Collaborans!


Linux Kernel 4.20

January 07, 2019 by Fabien Lahoudere  |   News & Events

A few weeks ago, in the final days leading up to Christmas, Linus Torvalds released Linux Kernel 4.20. Collaborans were once again active during this development cycle, contributing 22 patches, 112 reviews & 55 sign-offs. Here's a look at their contributions.

Linux Kernel 4.20

Outreachy - Round 17

December 20, 2018 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

As one year ends and another begins, Collabora is proud to be once again an Includer sponsor for the latest round (#17) of Outreachy internships, which began earlier this month! More specifically, Collabora is sponsoring the Linux kernel projects for…

Outreachy - Round 17

ESE Kongress

December 04, 2018 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

This week, Collaborans will be taking part, and speaking, in this year's ESE Kongress, Germany's largest congress for professional embedded software engineering.

ESE Kongress

FOSS in Toulouse

November 16, 2018 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

After a great time in Vancouver, Collaborans are headed this weekend to southern France to attend and speak at the 2018 edition of Capitole du Libre, a weekend dedicated to free and Open Source software!

FOSS in Toulouse

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Upcoming Events

Here are the events we'll be attending in the coming weeks – come say hello!


February 1-2, Brussels, Belgium

Embedded World

March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany


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