November 06, 2018 by Xavier Claessens | Blog
Did you know you could register your own PC, or a spare laptop collecting dust in a drawer, to get instant CI going on GitLab? Not only will you get faster CI, but you'll also reduce the queue on the shared runner for others!
October 31, 2018 by Erik Faye-Lund | Blog
For the last month or so, I've been playing with a new project during my work at Collabora, and as I've already briefly talked about at XDC 2018, it's about time to talk about it to a wider audience.
October 25, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
After three great days attending and catching up with the community at ELCE, Collaborans are continuing their stay in Edinburgh to take part in the GStreamer Conference & Hackfest, the Linux Media Summit and the Automated Testing Summit.
October 22, 2018 by Helen Koike | News & Events
As the curtains rose on opening day of Embedded Linux Conference Europe & Open Source Summit Europe in Edinburgh, the latest release of the Linux Kernel, 4.19, was made available by Greg Kroah-Hartman. Collaborans were once again very active.
October 18, 2018 by Alexandros Frantzis | Blog
For projects of any value and significance, having a comprehensive automated test suite is nowadays considered a standard software engineering practice. Why, then, don't we see more prominent FOSS projects employing this practice?
October 18, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Next week, Collabora will be sponsoring, exhibiting & speaking at Embedded Linux Confererence Europe in Edinburgh, Scotland. Now in its 13th year, ELCE is the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using embedded Linux.
October 15, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
This week, two Collaborans will be in Dresden, Germany to take part in the AGL All Member Meeting. George Kiagiadakis and Daniel Stone will be in attendance, with the former also giving a presentation on the latest happenings in upstream multimedia.
October 12, 2018 by Zeeshan Ali | Blog
After I started working for Collabora in April, I've finally been able to put some time on maintenance and development of Geoclue again. While I've fixed quite a few issues on the backlog, there has been some significant changes as of late.
October 12, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
We're headed to Heraklion, Greece, to meet with the Panhellenic FOSS community at FOSSCOMM, a conference for programmers, students and anyone else interested in the open source movement!
October 10, 2018 by Martyn Welch | Blog
Like all software, Open Source software isn't without it's bugs and issues. However, thanks to the nature of Open Source, resolving or mitigating the issue you encountered can be quite the satisfying adventure when it comes to scratching the itch.
October 02, 2018 by Lucas Kanashiro | Blog
Last month, the first "MicroDebConf" took place at the Gama campus of the University of Brasilia. Here's a look at how this one day event came to be, and what was accomplished during that day.
September 20, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Next week, Collaborans will be heading to Paris, A Coruña & Berlin, to sponsor and speak at four different conferences: Embedded Recipes, Kernel Recipes, All Systems Go and XDC 2018. See you there?
June 05, 2017 by Robert Foss | Blog
GPUs like Intel and Vivante support storing contents of graphical buffers in different formats. Support for describing these formats using modifiers has now been added to Android and Mesa, enabling tiling artifact free running of Android on the iMX6 platform.
May 04, 2017 by Olivier Crête | Blog
Along with the usual load of memory leaks, crashes and other bugs, Collabora's multimedia team once again contributed a number of improvements across a wide number of areas.
April 27, 2017 by Robert Foss | Blog
Getting Android up and running on the iMX6 platform using an open source graphics stack has been impossible up until recently, but now you can. Here's a guide through the steps.
April 25, 2017 by Olivier Crête | Blog
With GStreamer you can easily receive a AES67 stream, the standard which allows inter-operability between different IP based audio networking systems and transfers of live audio between profesionnal grade systems.
April 21, 2017 by Robert Foss | Blog
If you're looking to change the Android boot animation to something other than the stock one, here's a hands-on guide to help you to do it.
April 19, 2017 by Olivier Crête | Blog
With GStreamer 1.12's first release candidate out for testing and the final release expected soon, here's a brief preview of some of the (many) new features, bugfixes and improvements that will be arriving with this release.
April 10, 2017 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi | Blog
Like the bug that no one can solve, many issues occur on the interface between the user application and the operating system. But even in the good Open Source world, understanding what is happening at these interfaces is not always easy.
April 05, 2017 by Daniel Stone | Blog
Today we all read the announcement of Ubuntu's decision to refocus on cloud and IoT activities, dropping Unity 8 to move back to a GNOME-based desktop for the 17.04 LTS.
March 29, 2017 by Robert Foss | Blog
Android uses the HWC API to communicate with graphics hardware. This API is not supported on the mainline Linux graphics stack, but by using drm_hwcomposer as a shim it now is.
March 28, 2017 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi | Blog
Like starting a car with the hood open, sometimes you need to run your program with certain analysis tools attached to get a full sense of what is going wrong – or right.
March 24, 2017 by Simon McVittie | Blog
At the GTK hackfest in London (which accidentally became mostly a Flatpak hackfest) I've mainly been looking into how to make D-Bus work better for app container technologies like Flatpak and Snap.
March 21, 2017 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi | Blog
Modern CPUs implement a number of technologies that may affect application performance in unpredictable ways. Figuring out what is going wrong with an application can be a hard task, but it can become much easier with the correct analysis tools.
September 19, 2019 by Boris Brezillon | News & Events
Linux 5.3 was released over the weekend, which means it's time for our usual "where does Collabora stand in this picture?" tour. As has been the case for several years now, Collabora continues being an active contributor to the Linux kernel.
September 12, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Showcasing two brand new Open Source software demonstrations featuring the Xilinx high-performance Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, and the Magic Leap One augmented reality headset.
September 06, 2019 by Joey Ferwerda | News & Events
With the recent release of the OpenXR 1.0 specification, the presence of numerous Open Source platforms for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and a growing community of developers, the need for a collaborative Open Source XR Conference became clear.
August 20, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Starting tomorrow, Collabora will be exhibiting & speaking at Embedded Linux Conference North America (ELCNA), the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using embedded Linux.
August 02, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
This weekend, Collaborans are in São Paulo, Brazil, to take part in the third edition of Linux Developer Conference Brazil, a conference which aims to take the Brazilian Linux development community to the international level.
July 30, 2019 by Lubosz Sarnecki | News & Events
Today, we are very excited to announce xrdesktop, a new open source project sponsored by Valve, enabling interaction with traditional Linux desktop environments, such as GNOME and KDE, in VR.
July 25, 2019 by Andrej Shadura | News & Events
With DebConf19, the annual conference for Debian contributors and users, in full swing this week in Curitiba, Brazil, what better time to look at the contributions made by Collaborans to the latest Debian release!
July 17, 2019 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi | News & Events
With 11 engineers authoring, reviewing and testing nearly 170 patches for this latest release, Collabora ranked 8th in the list of most active employers by lines changed, sharing ranks with some of the prominent employers in Linux kernel development.
June 21, 2019 by Jassie Badion | News & Events
For many, June 21, day of the Solstice, is a day of celebrations. At Collabora, we're also celebrating, as we take a moment to welcome all the newest members of our engineering and administration teams who've joined over the last year!
May 30, 2019 by Mark Filion | News & Events
A few days ago, coding began for this year's Google Summer of Code (GSoC) projects. Along with four GStreamer and Wayland related projects, this year's edition also includes two Debian projects for which Collaborans will be mentors.
May 09, 2019 by André Almeida | News & Events
Earlier this week, Linux Kernel 5.1 was released, and with it came over 13,000 commits from developers all around the world, including Collaborans. This time around, no less than 12 different developers contributed commits (64), sign-offs (111) & more.
May 06, 2019 by Aaron Boxer | News & Events
After a year-long development cycle, the much anticipated release was made available recently. With it came a number of exciting new features we're especially proud of, including per-element latency tracer and support for planar or non-interleaved audio.
Here are the events we'll be attending in the coming weeks – come say hello!
March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany