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vkmark: more than a Vulkan benchmark

July 18, 2017 by Alexandros Frantzis  |   Blog

Ever since Vulkan was announced a few years ago, the idea of creating a Vulkan benchmarking tool in the spirit of glmark2 had been floating in my mind. Recently, thanks to my employer, Collabora, this idea has materialized! The result is the vkmark Vulkan…

vkmark: more than a Vulkan benchmark

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.12

July 04, 2017 by Martyn Welch  |   News & Events

Linux Kernel 4.12 is out, with 12 Collabora developers having contributed, a new record number of developers contributing to a single kernel release for Collabora!

Collabora & Linux Kernel 4.12

Quick hack: Performance debugging Linux graphics on Mesa

June 29, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

Debugging graphics performance in a simple and high-level manner is possible for all Gallium based Mesa drivers using GALLIUM_HUD, a feature that adds performance graphs to applications.

Quick hack: Performance debugging Linux graphics on Mesa

Growing our Core, Graphics & Web teams

June 27, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Our worldwide team of Open Source engineers and developers continues to grow with new additions in Core, Graphics & Web! Welcome Denis Pynkin, Alexandros Frantzis and Santosh Mahto!

Growing our Core, Graphics & Web teams

Debian armhf VM on arm64 server

June 20, 2017 by Sjoerd Simons  |   Blog

At Collabora one of the many things we do is build Debian derivatives/overlays for customers on a variety of architectures including 32 bit and 64 bit ARM systems. And just as Debian does, our OBS system builds on native systems rather than emulators.

Debian armhf VM on arm64 server

NVMe: Officially faster for emulated controllers!

June 13, 2017 by Helen Koike  |   Blog

The feature to improve NVMe performance over emulated environments has now been officially released in the NVMe Specification Revision 1.3 under the name "Doorbell Buffer Config command", along with an implementation in the mainline Linux kernel!

NVMe: Officially faster for emulated controllers!

Android: NXP i.MX6 Buffer Modifier Support

June 05, 2017 by Robert Foss  |   Blog

GPUs like Intel and Vivante support storing contents of graphical buffers in different formats. Support for describing these formats using modifiers has now been added to Android and Mesa, enabling tiling artifact free running of Android on the iMX6 platform.

Android: NXP i.MX6 Buffer Modifier Support

Outreachy 2017

June 02, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Collabora is proud to once again be sponsoring the latest round (Round 14) of Outreachy internships, which began earlier this week! More specifically, Collabora has chosen to sponsor the Linux kernel projects for the May-August semester.

Outreachy 2017

Three days, two exhibits, three talks

May 30, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Over the next few days, Collabora is very excited to be taking part in three events where we'll be exhibiting as well as giving talks: Augmented World Expo, Automotive Linux Summit and Open Source Summit Japan.

Three days, two exhibits, three talks

VR World, GStreamer, OSS, Vulkanised!

May 16, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

On the road again! Collaborans are heading to London, A Coruña & Buenos Aires to attend a VR event, a hackfest, a conference on Open Source systems, and a day of technical sessions on Vulkan! See you there?

VR World, GStreamer, OSS, Vulkanised!

Collabora at GENIVI AMM

May 08, 2017 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

From May 9 to 11, Collabora will be attending the GENIVI All Member Meeting & Open Community Days: Advancing Connected Vehicles in a Connected World, in Birmingham, UK!

Collabora at GENIVI AMM

Collabora contributions to GStreamer 1.12

May 04, 2017 by Olivier Crête  |   Blog

Along with the usual load of memory leaks, crashes and other bugs, Collabora's multimedia team once again contributed a number of improvements across a wide number of areas.

Collabora contributions to GStreamer 1.12

Run your own CI pipeline with GStreamer's new monorepo

October 26, 2021 by Xavier Claessens  |   Blog

Maintaining a non-trivial set of GStreamer patches can be tricky. Thanks to the recent move to a single, unified git repo, you can now easily run a GStreamer continuous integration pipeline on your own GitLab instance. Here's how.

Run your own CI pipeline with GStreamer's new monorepo

Improving test coverage for cameras in KernelCI

October 08, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado  |   Blog

Earlier this year, I joined Collabora as an intern to work on improving testing in libcamera and automating it through KernelCI. Having recently completed the internship, here's a look back at this experience and what was accomplished.

Improving test coverage for cameras in KernelCI

A tale of two toolchains and glibc

September 30, 2021 by Adrian Ratiu  |   Blog

With the LLVM toolchain seeing increasing development and adoption alongside the older, more established GNU toolchain, projects needing to support both, in particular the GNU C library (glibc), are facing challenges and questions.

A tale of two toolchains and glibc

An xrdesktop summer of code

September 10, 2021 by Lubosz Sarnecki  |   Blog

This summer, Christoph Haag and I had the pleasure of taking part in Google Summer of Code as mentors for xrdesktop, the Open Source project bringing the Linux desktop to VR on Valve's SteamVR & Monado. Here's what was accomplished.

An xrdesktop summer of code

Adding VP9 and MPEG2 stateless support in v4l2codecs for GStreamer

June 23, 2021 by Daniel Almeida  |   Blog

Earlier this year, from January to April 2021, I worked on adding support for stateless decoders for GStreamer as part of a multimedia internship at Collabora. Here's a recap of this completed work.

Adding VP9 and MPEG2 stateless support in v4l2codecs for GStreamer

Bag of Freebies for XR Hand Tracking: Machine Learning & OpenXR

June 17, 2021 by Marcus Edel  |   Blog

In our previous post, we presented a project backed by INVEST-AI which introduces a multi-stage neural network-based solution. Now let's dive into the machine learning details of our innovative, open source hand-tracking pipeline.

Bag of Freebies for XR Hand Tracking: Machine Learning & OpenXR

Testing cameras with lc-compliance on KernelCI

June 15, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado  |   Blog

Initiated as a joint effort by the Google Chrome OS team and Collabora, the recent KernelCI hackfest brought the addition of new tests including the ability to detect regressions on the Linux kernel that can directly affect cameras.

Testing cameras with lc-compliance on KernelCI

Zink: Summer 2021 update

June 14, 2021 by Erik Faye-Lund  |   Blog

There's a lot that has happened in the world of Zink since my last update, so let's see if I can bring you up to date on the most important stuff, including upstream development, support for OpenGL 4.6 & GLES 3.1, and more.

Zink: Summer 2021 update

Open Source OpenGL ES 3.1 on Mali GPUs with Panfrost

June 11, 2021 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

Panfrost, the open source driver for Arm Mali, now supports OpenGL ES 3.1 on both Midgard (Mali T760 and newer) and Bifrost (Mali G31, G52, G72) GPUs, adding a number of features, notably including compute shaders.

Open Source OpenGL ES 3.1 on Mali GPUs with Panfrost

Optimizing 3D performance with virglrenderer

May 17, 2021 by Gert Wollny  |   Blog

Collabora has been investing into Perfetto to enable driver authors & users to get deep insights into driver internals and GPU performance. Here's how we applied this work to study workloads on the virtualized VirGL implementation.

Optimizing 3D performance with virglrenderer

Mainline Linux gains accelerated video decoding for Microchip's SAMA5D4

May 11, 2021 by Emil Velikov  |   Blog

The Hantro Video4Linux2 (V4L2) kernel module has gained support for another SoC! The Microchip SAMA5D4 features a single decode unit supporting MPEG2, VP8 and H.264 streams, alongside the built-in post-processing unit.

Mainline Linux gains accelerated video decoding for Microchip's SAMA5D4

Quick hack: Patching kernel modules using DKMS

May 05, 2021 by Frederic Danis  |   Blog

DKMS is a framework that is mostly used to build and install external kernel modules. It can also be used to install a specific patch to the modules of the current kernel, such as applying a specific fix to the Bluetooth USB subsystem.

Quick hack: Patching kernel modules using DKMS

Kernel 5.10: Rockchip, H.264, Bifrost & more!

December 14, 2020 by Ricardo Cañuelo Navarro  |   News & Events

Even amidst the chaos and uncertainty that 2020 brought, Linux Kernel development keeps moving forward at a constant and relentless pace. Collabora remains active, developing, maintaining, documenting and testing many parts of the kernel.

Kernel 5.10: Rockchip, H.264, Bifrost & more!

Linux App Summit 2020

November 12, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Starting today, and running until Saturday, join us at Linux App Summit for a look at Linux graphics, PipeWire, our work with Valve, and a virtual office hour with our Engineering Manager!

Linux App Summit 2020

Monado update: Passing conformance, Android support & more

November 02, 2020 by Jakob Bornecrantz  |   News & Events

Monado 0.4 OpenXR runtime introduces initial support for Android and passes all of the OpenXR conformance tests with both OpenGL and Vulkan on desktop with a simulated device.

Monado update: Passing conformance, Android support & more

Open Source Summit Europe & ELCE 2020

October 22, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

The 4-day event is dedicated to everything open source and will showcase a program of 250+ talks. Collaborans will once again be actively participating in the week's activities, with no less than eight presentations, a BoF on KernelCI, and two panel discussions!

Open Source Summit Europe & ELCE 2020

Kernel 5.9: Onwards and upwards

October 22, 2020 by Mylène Josserand  |   News & Events

Collaborans continue to be very active in the Linux kernel, authoring over 150 commits in this release. Here's a look at the improvements, and new features, contributed by our team, notably in hardware support, multimedia, graphics and testing.

Kernel 5.9: Onwards and upwards

Collabora & GStreamer 1.18

October 06, 2020 by Stéphane Cerveau  |   News & Events

A move to GitLab. A switch to the powerful Meson build system. A fast and reliable CI system implemented. The GStreamer community has been busy, bringing a bevy of enhancements to 1.18. Here's a look at the key contributions by Collaborans.

Collabora & GStreamer 1.18

X.Org Developer's Conference 2020

September 15, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

The lineup of great virtual conferences continues this week with the 2020 edition of X.Org Developer's Conference (XDC), the leading event for developers working on all things Open graphics, including the Linux kernel, Mesa, DRM, Wayland and X11.

X.Org Developer's Conference 2020

One week, two events: DebConf20 & Linux Plumbers Conference

August 24, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

August ends on a high note with two virtual events this week: DebConf20, Debian's annual conference, and Linux Plumbers Conference, the premier event for developers working at all levels of the Linux kernel's plumbing layer and beyond.

One week, two events: DebConf20 & Linux Plumbers Conference

Kernel 5.8: Collabora's biggest & most significant contributions yet!

August 05, 2020 by Dafna Hirschfeld  |   News & Events

The ability for a relatively small software consultancy to contribute at this level demonstrates a fantastic improvement in vendors' mindset when it comes to working Open First and providing mainline support out-of-box as early as possible.

Kernel 5.8: Collabora's biggest & most significant contributions yet!

Lighthouse positional tracking in Monado with libsurvive

July 17, 2020 by Christoph Haag  |   News & Events

HTC Vive (Pro) and Valve Index hardware users can now experiment with positional tracking in Monado, thanks to the implementation of a libsurvive driver using the libsurvive library developed by Charles Lohr, David Berger and many contributors.

Lighthouse positional tracking in Monado with libsurvive

WirePlumber 0.3 released, now ready for the desktop

July 16, 2020 by George Kiagiadakis  |   News & Events

It is with great pleasure that we announce the availability of WirePlumber (the PipeWire session manager) version 0.3.0. This release brings support for desktop use cases and is a working drop-in replacement for PipeWire's example session manager.

WirePlumber 0.3 released, now ready for the desktop

Welcoming five new Collaborans!

July 09, 2020 by Erica Ryoo  |   News & Events

Despite the many obstacles brought on by the pandemic, Collabora continues to build and strengthen its engineering and administration teams for the road ahead. Join us in welcoming Angelica, Raghavendra, Doug, Italo and Theodotos!

Welcoming five new Collaborans!

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February 1-2, Brussels, Belgium

Embedded World

March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany


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