September 18, 2018 by Ezequiel Garcia | Blog
When working on the Linux Kernel, testing via QEMU is pretty common. Here's a look at virtme, a QEMU wrapper that uses the host instead of a virtual disk, making working with QEMU extremely easy.
September 10, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
From September 14 to 18, Collabora will be exhibiting at the IBC Show 2018, the "world's most influential media, entertainment and technology show"! If you are planning on attending, please make sure to stop by our booth, D-15 in Hall 14!
August 30, 2018 by Maxime Buquet | Blog
Earlier this month, Collabora sponsored & hosted the XMMP Sprint, the first developer event in the XMPP community in a long time. Here's a look at what was accomplished over the weekend, and what's next for this open standard.
August 29, 2018 by Guillaume Tucker | Blog
In addition to Collabora's work to add support in mainline Linux kernel for several Chromebooks, these platforms are now being continuously tested as part of Here's how to set them up for kernel development & automated testing with LAVA.
August 28, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Starting tomorrow, Collaborans will be in beautiful British Columbia to take part, and speak, in this year's Open Source Summit North America! If you are planning on attending, come say hello or catch one of our presentations!
August 27, 2018 by Robert Foss | Blog
Working with a git based project that has a defacto upstream repository means that you perioducally want to fetch the canonical master branch. This can be simplified with a .gitconfig alias.
August 21, 2018 by Emil Velikov | Blog
A look at the work and motivation behind implementing the Khronos EGLDevice extensions in Mesa. These extensions allow users of open source graphics drivers to cleanly describe & select which device to use in heterogeneous systems.
August 13, 2018 by Ezequiel Garcia | News & Events
Another two months and a half have passed, Linux Kernel v4.18 has been released, which means it's time to stop along the way and make a little retrospective. This time around, seven Collaborans have contributed to the kernel, authoring 61 commits.
August 03, 2018 by Corentin Noël | Blog
GNOME Builder is an Integrated Development Environment designed for the GNOME ecosystem. It most notably features a deep integration to the Git version control system, allow to debug applications quickly and allow in-line documentation viewing.
August 01, 2018 by Robert Foss | Blog
Presenting a new, hardware-backed, software graphics driver, built upon the Mesa gallium driver framework, which uses kernel kms drm nodes for memory allocation.
July 31, 2018 by Jassie Badion | News & Events
Comprised of some of the most motivated and active Open Source contributors and maintainers around the world, our team shares a passion for technology and Open Source, as do these newest members. Welcome Gert, Gustavo, Erik, Christoph, Ryan & Ana!
July 26, 2018 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Collabora is heading East to sponsor & attend DebConf18, the annual Debian conference! The week-long event takes place for the first time in Asia, at the National Chiao Tung University Microelectronics & Information Research Center, in Hsinchu Taiwan.
May 15, 2020 by Stéphane Cerveau | Blog
gst-build is one of the main build systems used by the community to develop the GStreamer platform. In my last blog post, I presented gst-build and explained how to get started with it. Now, let's get straight to the point regarding cross-compilation.
May 12, 2020 by Andre Almeida | Blog
In part 2 of this series on syzkaller, we looked at how to install the tool and use it to improve our code base. Now, how does syzkaller report a bug it finds in the execution path of a system call? Let's add a new syscall description and see how it goes.
May 07, 2020 by George Kiagiadakis | Blog
An in-depth look at WirePlumber, the modular and extensible session manager for PipeWire that brings advanced device management, policy control and security enforcement capabilities.
April 28, 2020 by Guillaume Desmottes | Blog
With Rust gaining traction among the GStreamer community as an alternative to C to write applications and plugins, we began wondering, could the size of such Rust plugins be a problem for embedded systems?
April 23, 2020 by Alyssa Rosenzweig | Blog
The Panfrost project building a free, Open Source graphics driver for modern Mali GPUs has reached a new milestone: the first 3D render, including basic texture support, on a Bifrost chip (Mali G31)!
April 20, 2020 by Mark Filion | Blog
Google Open Source has announced their 2020 first quarter Google Open Source Peer Bonus winners, and Alyssa Rosenzweig, Software Engineer at Collabora, is among the recipients!
April 17, 2020 by Andre Almeida | Blog
In my previous blog post, we discussed the importance of testing, what is fuzzing, and how the syzkaller fuzzes the kernel in order to find bugs. Now, let’s install the tool and starting using it to improve our code base.
April 14, 2020 by Mark Filion | Blog
Open Source software development thrives on remote collaboration, and continues to do so in 2020, with multiple projects announcing releases in the first quarter.
April 10, 2020 by Pekka Paalanen | Blog
When you work on a piece of software, you usually want to be able to build and test it manually on your local system, but without compromising your system or destabilizing the distribution provided software.
April 08, 2020 by Andrzej Pietrasiewicz | Blog
Rockchip SoCs, notably the RK3399, are popular in devices such as Chromebooks and single-board computers. Indeed, they bring some interesting features, one of them being the Arm Frame Buffer Compression (AFBC).
March 26, 2020 by Andre Almeida | Blog
With the code base of the Linux kernel constantly changing and deployed in devices around the world, performing proper testing is crucial. Here's a look at syzkaller, a valuable tool widely adopted by the kernel community to detect bugs in the kernel.
March 19, 2020 by Stéphane Cerveau | Blog
GStreamer relies on multiple repositories such as base and good to build its ecosystem, and now owns more than 30 projects in Gitlab. So, a unified tool/build system has always been necessary to build a specified version.
December 08, 2021 by Mark Filion | News & Events
A year of online conferences that began with will end on a high note next week as Collaborans present three talks at Open Source Summit Japan + Automotive Linux Summit 2021. Join us!
November 10, 2021 by Sebastian Reichel | News & Events
It might be smaller than the last few kernels, but with well above 10,000 non-merge changes, the latest Linux kernel release still packs a punch. Released on October 31, kernel 5.15 brings lots of exciting new features.
November 02, 2021 by George Kiagiadakis | News & Events
Today marks a very exciting day as Fedora 35 has now been released, and with it comes WirePlumber as the default session manager for PipeWire! Under development by Collabora since 2019, WirePlumber has now entered the linux desktop space.
September 24, 2021 by Mark Filion | News & Events
Collaborans will be actively participating in next week's activities with seven talks on topics including Rust build scripts, embedded deep learning on GStreamer, HEVC decoding on mainline Linux, PipeWire and WirePlumber, and more.
September 21, 2021 by Alyssa Rosenzweig | News & Events
This important milestone is a step forward for the open source driver, as it now certifies Panfrost for use in commercial products containing Mali G52 and paves the way for further conformance submissions on other Mali GPUs.
September 16, 2021 by Stéphane Cerveau | News & Events
GStreamer can be tricky to ship in a constrained device. Thanks to a partnership with Huawei, you can now use gst-build to generate a minimal GStreamer build, tailored to a specific application, or set of applications. Here's how.
September 07, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado | News & Events
With an ever-increasing interest in more modern hardware support, and a more reliable kernel that is thoroughly tested, contributions by Collabora's developers continue to help make this a reality for the Linux kernel.
September 01, 2021 by Mark Filion | News & Events
September's busy conference schedule kicks off next week with the Fall edition of Linaro Virtual Connect. Join us as we look at how to master your PipeWire streams with WirePlumber, and de-mystify GFX virtualization with VirGL!
July 20, 2021 by Alyssa Rosenzweig | News & Events
After a month of reverse-engineering the Arm Mali G78, we’re excited to release documentation on the Valhall instruction set, available as a PDF, as well as a Valhall assembler and disassembler to be used as a reverse-engineering aid.
July 08, 2021 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi | News & Events
Collabora's team working directly on the Linux kernel is growing. Collaborans continue to expand on their efforts to close the gap between hardware support on vendor trees and mainline.
June 21, 2021 by Shreeya Patel | News & Events
Earlier this month, Collabora took part in the very first KernelCI hackfest, initiated as a joint effort with the Google Chrome OS team. Here's a look at what led to our participation and what was accomplished.
June 21, 2021 by Erica Ryoo | News & Events
Despite the many obstacles brought on by the pandemic, Collabora has continued to grow its teams for the road ahead. Join us in welcoming Kiril, Benjamin, Daniel, Shreeya, Ariel, Nicolas and James!
Here are the events we'll be attending in the coming weeks – come say hello!
March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany