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News: Vulkan 1.0 specification released

February 16, 2016 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Today sees the public release of Vulkan 1.0, the next-generation graphics API from the Khronos Group. As a member of Khronos, Collabora has been committed to improving EGL, OpenGL ES and OpenGL itself, and this continues with Vulkan.

News: Vulkan 1.0 specification released

Community time at Collabora

February 12, 2016 by Andrew Shadura  |   Blog

Apart from upstreaming work which may be done for clients, Collabora encourages its engineers to spend up to two hours weekly for upstreaming, and use up to five days per year as Community days.

Community time at Collabora

GNOME DX Hackfest: xdg-app + Debian

February 01, 2016 by Simon McVittie  |   Blog

Over the last few days I've been at the GNOME Developer Experience hackfest in Brussels, looking into xdg-app and how best to use it in Debian and Debian derivatives.

GNOME DX Hackfest: xdg-app + Debian

Checking JSON files for correctness

January 27, 2016 by Philip Withnall  |   Blog

As JSON becomes used more and more in place of XML, we need a replacement for tools like xmllint to check that JSON documents follow whatever format they are supposed to be following.

Checking JSON files for correctness

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.4

January 12, 2016 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog

Linux Kernel 4.4 was released this week and Collabora engineers helped in the development of the new kernel in a few different areas. A total of 38 patches from 8 Collabora engineers were added, making it the kernel release with the most Collabora developers…

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.4

Event: ISE 2016

December 17, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Amsterdam, The Netherlands - from 09/02/2016 to 12/02/2016: We'll be exhibiting at ISE 2016, the world's largest tradeshow dedicated to professional AV and electronic systems integration. Collabora booth 8-K321

Event: ISE 2016

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.3

November 12, 2015 by Gustavo Padovan  |   Blog

Collabora developers contributed a total of 48 patches to kernel 4.3 as part of our current projects.

Collabora contributions to Linux Kernel 4.3

Event: systemd.conf 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

Berlin, Germany - from 05/11/2015 to 07/11/2015: The systemd.conf is the first conference devoted to the systemd project. It aims to bring developers, distribution packagers and devops professionals together to present, discuss, and work on that topics that will shape the future of the systemd project.

Event: systemd.conf 2015

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

October 28, 2015 by Mark Filion  |   News and Events

A Coruña, Spain - from 07/12/2015 to 09/12/2015: The Web Engines Hackfest is a hacking oriented invitation-only event involving members from all parts of the Web Platform community, including those who work on Blink, WebKit, Gecko, and Servo.

Event: Web Engines Hackfest 2015

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

October 13, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Seoul, South Korea - From 20/10/2015 to 23/10/2015: We will be exhibiting at the GENIVI Showcase during the All Member Meeting.

Event: GENIVI AMM Seoul 2015

GLib now has a datagram interface

October 13, 2015 by Philip Withnall  |   Blog

For those who like their I/O packetised, GLib now has a companion for its GIOStream class — the GDatagramBasedinterface, which we’ve implemented as part of R&D work at Collabora.

GLib now has a datagram interface

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

September 28, 2015 by Guy Lunardi  |   News and Events

Dublin, Ireland - from 08/10/2015 to 09/10/2015: The GStreamer Conference is a conference for anyone interested in the GStreamer multimedia framework or Open Source and cross-platform multimedia.

Event: GStreamer Conference 2015

Implementing a performance boosting algorithm in Coccinelle

January 21, 2021 by Jaskaran Singh  |   Blog

Last year, from June to September, I worked on the kernel development tool Coccinelle under Collabora. I implemented a performance boosting algorithm for one of Coccinelle's use cases. Here's a look at this work.

Implementing a performance boosting algorithm in Coccinelle

Desktop OpenGL 3.1 on Mali GPUs with Panfrost

January 13, 2021 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

The open source Panfrost driver for Arm Mali Midgard and Bifrost GPUs now provides non-conformant OpenGL ES 3.0 on Bifrost and desktop OpenGL 3.1 on Midgard (Mali T760 and newer) and Bifrost, in time for Mesa's first release of 2021.

Desktop OpenGL 3.1 on Mali GPUs with Panfrost

Empathy first: Driving growth through people leadership

November 30, 2020 by Eleni Katsoula  |   Blog

This year, the global pandemic has put a strain on us all. Motivation can become hard to maintain, worries can cloud our minds. Now more than ever, it is important to try and connect with our colleagues.

Empathy first: Driving growth through people leadership

Developing Wayland Color Management and High Dynamic Range

November 19, 2020 by Pekka Paalanen  |   Blog

Wayland is still lacking proper consideration for color management & support for high dynamic range (HDR) imagery. However, a group of developers has begun an effort to fix this situation. This is their story.

Developing Wayland Color Management and High Dynamic Range

A summer sprint: bringing near-native performance to Zink

November 06, 2020 by Mike Blumenkrantz  |   Blog

This week marks two years since the OpenGL implementation on Vulkan was initially announced. Since then, and especially over the past few months, much has progressed with many new features being added and performance now close to native (95%!).

A summer sprint: bringing near-native performance to Zink

From Panfrost to production, a tale of Open Source graphics

November 03, 2020 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

Since our previous update on Panfrost, the open source stack for Arm's Mali Midgard and Bifrost GPUs, we've focused on taking our driver from its reverse-engineered origins on Midgard to a mature stack.

From Panfrost to production, a tale of Open Source graphics

Engaging in an "Open First" remote internship at Collabora

October 20, 2020 by Gustavo Noronha  |   Blog

The concept of a remote internship may raise some doubts, or even red flags, for many students, as would remote jobs for professionals. As a result, we pay extra attention to how we onboard and support our interns.

Engaging in an "Open First" remote internship at Collabora

Building GStreamer text rendering and overlays on Windows with gst-build

September 28, 2020 by Aaron Boxer  |   Blog

GStreamer relies on various 2D font rendering and layout libraries such as Pango and Cairo to generate text for the Pango plugin, which contains elements such as textoverlay. Here's how to add the Pango plugin to a gst-build installation on Windows.

Building GStreamer text rendering and overlays on Windows with gst-build

Initcalls, part 2: Digging into implementation

September 25, 2020 by Mylène Josserand  |   Blog

In this second part of this blog post series on Linux kernel initcalls, we'll go deeper into implementation, with a look at the colorful __device_initcall() macro, the rootfs initcall, and how modules can be executed.

Initcalls, part 2: Digging into implementation

Open Source meets Super Resolution, part 1

September 21, 2020 by Marcus Edel  |   Blog

Introducing an accurate and light-weight deep network for video super-resolution upscaling, running on a completely open source software stack using Panfrost, the free and open-source graphics driver for Mali GPUs.

Open Source meets Super Resolution, part 1

Integrating libcamera into PipeWire

September 11, 2020 by Raghavendra Rao  |   Blog

PipeWire continues to evolve with the recent integration of libcamera, a library to support complex cameras. In this blog post, I'll explain why libcamera exists, what it does, and how we integrated it in PipeWire.

Integrating libcamera into PipeWire

Pushing pixels to your Chromebook

August 31, 2020 by Emil Velikov  |   Blog

A high-level introduction of the Linux graphics stack, how it is used within ChromeOS, and the work done to improve software rendering (while simultaneously improving GPU rendering by reducing the boilerplate needed in applications).

Pushing pixels to your Chromebook

Linux Kernel 5.3

September 19, 2019 by Boris Brezillon  |   News & Events

Linux 5.3 was released over the weekend, which means it's time for our usual "where does Collabora stand in this picture?" tour. As has been the case for several years now, Collabora continues being an active contributor to the Linux kernel.

Linux Kernel 5.3

Open Source at IBC 2019

September 12, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Showcasing two brand new Open Source software demonstrations featuring the Xilinx high-performance Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC, and the Magic Leap One augmented reality headset.

Open Source at IBC 2019

Bringing the FOSS XR community together

September 06, 2019 by Joey Ferwerda  |   News & Events

With the recent release of the OpenXR 1.0 specification, the presence of numerous Open Source platforms for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, and a growing community of developers, the need for a collaborative Open Source XR Conference became clear.

Bringing the FOSS XR community together

Embedded in San Diego

August 20, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Starting tomorrow, Collabora will be exhibiting & speaking at Embedded Linux Conference North America (ELCNA), the premier vendor-neutral technical conference for companies and developers using embedded Linux.

Embedded in San Diego

Linux Developer Conference Brazil 2019

August 02, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

This weekend, Collaborans are in São Paulo, Brazil, to take part in the third edition of Linux Developer Conference Brazil, a conference which aims to take the Brazilian Linux development community to the international level.

Linux Developer Conference Brazil 2019

Moving the Linux desktop to another reality

July 30, 2019 by Lubosz Sarnecki  |   News & Events

Today, we are very excited to announce xrdesktop, a new open source project sponsored by Valve, enabling interaction with traditional Linux desktop environments, such as GNOME and KDE, in VR.

Moving the Linux desktop to another reality

Collabora & Debian 10 (Buster)

July 25, 2019 by Andrej Shadura  |   News & Events

With DebConf19, the annual conference for Debian contributors and users, in full swing this week in Curitiba, Brazil, what better time to look at the contributions made by Collaborans to the latest Debian release!

Collabora & Debian 10 (Buster)

Linux Kernel 5.2

July 17, 2019 by Gabriel Krisman Bertazi  |   News & Events

With 11 engineers authoring, reviewing and testing nearly 170 patches for this latest release, Collabora ranked 8th in the list of most active employers by lines changed, sharing ranks with some of the prominent employers in Linux kernel development.

Linux Kernel 5.2

Welcoming the newest Collaborans!

June 21, 2019 by Jassie Badion  |   News & Events

For many, June 21, day of the Solstice, is a day of celebrations. At Collabora, we're also celebrating, as we take a moment to welcome all the newest members of our engineering and administration teams who've joined over the last year!

Welcoming the newest Collaborans!

Google Summer of Code 2019

May 30, 2019 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

A few days ago, coding began for this year's Google Summer of Code (GSoC) projects. Along with four GStreamer and Wayland related projects, this year's edition also includes two Debian projects for which Collaborans will be mentors.

Google Summer of Code 2019

Linux Kernel 5.1

May 09, 2019 by André Almeida  |   News & Events

Earlier this week, Linux Kernel 5.1 was released, and with it came over 13,000 commits from developers all around the world, including Collaborans. This time around, no less than 12 different developers contributed commits (64), sign-offs (111) & more.

Linux Kernel 5.1

Collabora & GStreamer 1.16

May 06, 2019 by Aaron Boxer  |   News & Events

After a year-long development cycle, the much anticipated release was made available recently. With it came a number of exciting new features we're especially proud of, including per-element latency tracer and support for planar or non-interleaved audio.

Collabora & GStreamer 1.16

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March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany


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