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Smells like team spirit: Meet our newest Collaborans!

February 26, 2024 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

We've recently had some new faces join the team and we are delighted that our talented new joiners have readily jumped in to advance the open source mission.

Smells like team spirit: Meet our newest Collaborans!

Almost a fully open-source boot chain for Rockchip's RK3588!

February 21, 2024 by Eugen Hristev  |   Blog

Now included in our Debian images & available via our GitLab, you can build a complete, working BL31 (Boot Loader stage 3.1), and replace the closed binary blob with an open-source binary that anyone can compile.

Almost a fully open-source boot chain for Rockchip's RK3588!

What's the latest with WirePlumber?

February 19, 2024 by George Kiagiadakis  |   Blog

Back in 2022, after a series of issues were found in its design, I made the call to rework some of WirePlumber's fundamentals in order to allow it to grow. So where are we now? And what's next? Let's dive in!

What's the latest with WirePlumber?

FOSDEM 2024 - Recorded presentations (videos) now available

February 15, 2024 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Collabora's engineers presented six talks over the course of the weekend, with topics including a review of recent improvements to GStreamer, a look at the state of video offloading on the Linux desktop, and more.

FOSDEM 2024 - Recorded presentations (videos) now available

A framework to share analytics data in GStreamer

February 13, 2024 by Daniel Morin  |   News & Events

Engineers have widely adopted GStreamer to build video analytics pipelines, and while many companies have indeed built their machine learning analysis framework around GStreamer, no one had made the effort to contribute upstream, until now.

A framework to share analytics data in GStreamer

DRM-CI: A GitLab-CI pipeline for Linux kernel testing

February 08, 2024 by Helen Koike  |   Blog

Continuing our Kernel Integration series, we're excited to introduce DRM-CI, a groundbreaking solution that enables developers to test their graphics subsystem patches across numerous devices within the community's shared infrastructure.

DRM-CI: A GitLab-CI pipeline for Linux kernel testing

Wine on Wayland: A year in review (and a look ahead)

January 30, 2024 by Alexandros Frantzis  |   News & Events

2023 was a great year for the Wayland driver for Wine. After several merge requests, many people are now already able to use the latest Wine release to enjoy some of their favorite Windows applications in a completely X11-free environment!

Wine on Wayland: A year in review (and a look ahead)

WhisperFusion: Ultra-low latency conversations with an AI chatbot

January 25, 2024 by Marcus Edel  |   News & Events

By creating a real-time AI chatbot communication system using WhisperLive and WhisperSpeech, we have addressed the unnatural delay in current bot interactions for seamless conversation.

WhisperFusion: Ultra-low latency conversations with an AI chatbot

Persian Rug, Part 4 - The limitations of proxies

January 23, 2024 by Edmund Smith  |   Blog

This is the fourth and final part in a series on persian-rug, a Rust crate for interconnected objects. We've touched on the two big limitations: lack of deletion and lack of enforced matching between proxies and containers. Let's look at other solutions.

Persian Rug, Part 4 - The limitations of proxies

First in line for FOSDEM 2024: GStreamer, LAVA workloads & more!

January 18, 2024 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

With many dedicated souls willing to endure a FOSDEM queue, Collabora's engineers will be giving 6 talks spread out amongst multiple devrooms including Open Media and Testing & Continuous delivery.

First in line for FOSDEM 2024: GStreamer, LAVA workloads & more!

How to share code between Vulkan and Gallium

January 16, 2024 by Faith Ekstrand  |   Blog

One of the key high-level challenges of building Mesa drivers these days is figuring out how to best share code between a Vulkan driver and a Gallium driver when Gallium isn't really capable of implementing Vulkan. Here's how.

How to share code between Vulkan and Gallium

Kernel 6.7: New year, new Linux!

January 11, 2024 by Eugen Hristev  |   News & Events

Collabora's kernel team made a number of key contributions including a new kselftest for verifying driver probe of Devicetree-based platforms, multiple improvements to further improve support for MediaTek SoCs found in Chromebooks, and more.

Kernel 6.7: New year, new Linux!

Why remote working can be good for people, business and environment

March 10, 2020 by Olivier Potin  |   Blog

Here at Collabora, we trust our people to work remotely, we give them full responsibility for their output, and we believe it helps creating an even stronger internal culture and comes with some other positives.

Why remote working can be good for people, business and environment

PipeWire, the media service transforming the Linux multimedia landscape

March 05, 2020 by Julian Bouzas  |   Blog

PipeWire 0.3 was released a few days ago, marking a big step forward in the effort of making this emerging media service the core layer of all multimedia on Linux.

PipeWire, the media service transforming the Linux multimedia landscape

Experimental Panfrost GLES 3.0 support has landed in Mesa

February 27, 2020 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

Panfrost's ES 3.0 support has landed in upstream Mesa and works with a mainline Linux kernel. The support is still early, but if you're feeling adventurous, feel free to give it a try on your favourite ES 3.0 applications and games.

Experimental Panfrost GLES 3.0 support has landed in Mesa

Using gcc sanitisers to get a nasty bug fixed

February 18, 2020 by Andrej Shadura  |   Blog

When a bug surprises you when doing Apertis packaging of a typical vendor code signing tool, it's time to debug it using the compiler's built-in tools.

Using gcc sanitisers to get a nasty bug fixed

FOSDEM 2020 - Recorded presentations (videos)

February 05, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   Blog

From KernelCI's new home, the latest on Zink (OpenGL on Vulkan), OpenXR & Monado, PipeWire in the automotive industry, JPEG2000, and GStreamer on the Magic Leap One, Collaborans gave talks in 6 different devrooms, as well on the main track.

FOSDEM 2020 - Recorded presentations (videos)

Opening up Mali T720

December 20, 2019 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

If you have a device with a Mali T720 or T820 GPU, you’re in luck – your device is now supported in upstream Mesa at feature parity with other GPUs. Get out your Allwinner H6 or Amlogic S912 board, grab the latest Mesa, and enjoy a match of SuperTuxKart!

Opening up Mali T720

New graphing tool for PipeWire debugging

December 09, 2019 by Julian Bouzas  |   Blog

PipeWire, the new and emerging open source framework that aims to greatly improve the exchange and management of audio and video streams inside a Linux system, has seen a number of improvements and bug fixes over the past year.

New graphing tool for PipeWire debugging

Building GStreamer on Windows

November 26, 2019 by Aaron Boxer  |   Blog

With the advent of meson and gst-build, it is now possible to set up a GStreamer Windows development environment that rivals the finest Linux has to offer, with full support for Visual Studio debugging into the library.

Building GStreamer on Windows

Zink: Fall Update

October 24, 2019 by Erik Faye-Lund  |   Blog

I recently went to XDC 2019, where I gave yet another talk about Zink. I kinda forgot to write a blog-post about it, so here’s me trying to make up for it… or something like that. I’ll also go into some more recent developments as well.

Zink: Fall Update

Adding stateless support to vicodec

October 09, 2019 by Dafna Hirschfeld  |   Blog

Prior to joining Collabora, I took part in Round 17 of the Outreachy internships, to work on the virtual drivers in the media subsystem of the Linux kernel, or more specifically, on the vicodec driver.

Adding stateless support to vicodec

Why HDCP support in Weston is a good thing

October 03, 2019 by Pekka Paalanen  |   Blog

What HDCP is, and why supporting HDCP in Weston is justified in both an economical and technical context.

Why HDCP support in Weston is a good thing

Virglrenderer and the state of virtualized virtual worlds

August 28, 2019 by Gert Wollny  |   Blog

With the release of virglrenderer 0.8.0, getting accelerated OpenGL within a virtual machine (VM) made a big leap forward. Since virglrenderer-0.7.0, the code base has seen ~600 commits, and Collabora provided more than 80% of these contributions.

Virglrenderer and the state of virtualized virtual worlds

Patch Ready for Linux Plumbers 2023

November 09, 2023 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

To ensure the Linux kernel is running smoothly, it requires maintenance from a variety of levels. Those working on the lower levels, or the plumber layers, of the kernel will have a chance to convene next week at the annual Linux Plumbers Conference.

Patch Ready for Linux Plumbers 2023

Benchmarking machine learning frameworks

November 02, 2023 by Vineet Suryan  |   News & Events

MLBench enables developers and maintainers to effortlessly gauge how their frameworks perform compared to other implementations, prior code versions, or across different boards, with respect to both runtime performance and other metrics.

Benchmarking machine learning frameworks

Kernel 6.6: Long-awaited features and enhanced hardware support

October 31, 2023 by Laura Nao  |   News & Events

Linux Kernel 6.6 has arrived, bringing a significant amount of new features and performance enhancements. Collabora has actively contributed many patches, including work on MediaTek and Rockchip.

Kernel 6.6: Long-awaited features and enhanced hardware support

X.Org Developer's Conference 2023

October 12, 2023 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

The fall conference season continues next week with the X.Org Developer's Conference, taking place from October 17 to 19 in A Coruna, Spain. Sponsored by Collabora, this event brings together developers with an interest in open graphics.

X.Org Developer's Conference 2023

Pressing play on GStreamer Conference 2023

September 21, 2023 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Sunny Spain will have multimedia developers on speed dial next week for the 11th edition of the GStreamer Conference, taking place at the Palexco Convention Centre in A Coruña from September 25 to 26.

Pressing play on GStreamer Conference 2023

Perfecting Open Source Recipes in Paris

September 19, 2023 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

The world-renowned culinary scene in The City of Light will be getting a pack of different types of chefs next week for Kernel Recipes and Embedded Recipes. Kernel Recipes kicks off on September 25, then Embedded Recipes from September 28 to 29.

Perfecting Open Source Recipes in Paris

Empowering Open Source at IBC 2023

September 11, 2023 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Collabora is headed to Amsterdam! This year, we will be showcasing some of our recent work on the DAB protocol, as well as the software integration of LCEVC, MPEG's novel enhancement codec, into the GStreamer multimedia framework.

Empowering Open Source at IBC 2023

Monado SLAM datasets now available

September 11, 2023 by Mateo de Mayo  |   News & Events

The Monado SLAM datasets (MSD) are egocentric visual-inertial SLAM datasets recorded to improve the Basalt-based inside-out tracking component of the Monado project.

Monado SLAM datasets now available

Video codecs: Adding AV1 stateless video decoder support to Linux

September 07, 2023 by Benjamin Gaignard  |   News & Events

The latest mainline Linux kernel (v6.5) includes 22 patches that enable support for the AV1 uAPI and for two stateless video decoders: one for the Rockchip RK3588 and one for MT8195, a MediaTek SoC.

Video codecs: Adding AV1 stateless video decoder support to Linux

Linux kernel 6.5: USB4v2 and Wifi7 have arrived

August 30, 2023 by Adrian Larumbe  |   News & Events

The 6.5 release is here and it comes with many changes. As is often the case, Collabora has been actively involved in the submission of patches, mostly in the task of hardware enablement for Mediatek and Rockchip SoCs.

Linux kernel 6.5: USB4v2 and Wifi7 have arrived

Ready to All Systems Go!

August 23, 2023 by Kara Bembridge  |   News & Events

Set in the captivating city of Berlin, All Systems Go! is ready to explore foundational user-space Linux technologies after a 4-year hiatus.

Ready to All Systems Go!

NVK Has landed!

August 04, 2023 by Faith Ekstrand  |   News & Events

As of today, NVK, the new Vulkan driver for Nvidia GPUs, has landed in the main Mesa branch and will be included as an experimental driver in the 23.3 release of Mesa.

NVK Has landed!

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