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Venus on QEMU: Enabling the new virtual Vulkan driver

November 26, 2021 by Antonio Caggiano  |   Blog

A step-by-step guide on how to enable 3D acceleration of Vulkan applications in QEMU through the new Venus experimental Vulkan driver for VirtIO-GPU with a local development environment.

Venus on QEMU: Enabling the new virtual Vulkan driver

Kernel 5.15: A small but mighty Halloween release

November 10, 2021 by Sebastian Reichel  |   News & Events

It might be smaller than the last few kernels, but with well above 10,000 non-merge changes, the latest Linux kernel release still packs a punch. Released on October 31, kernel 5.15 brings lots of exciting new features.

Kernel 5.15: A small but mighty Halloween release

WirePlumber in Fedora 35

November 02, 2021 by George Kiagiadakis  |   News & Events

Today marks a very exciting day as Fedora 35 has now been released, and with it comes WirePlumber as the default session manager for PipeWire! Under development by Collabora since 2019, WirePlumber has now entered the linux desktop space.

WirePlumber in Fedora 35

Run your own CI pipeline with GStreamer's new monorepo

October 26, 2021 by Xavier Claessens  |   Blog

Maintaining a non-trivial set of GStreamer patches can be tricky. Thanks to the recent move to a single, unified git repo, you can now easily run a GStreamer continuous integration pipeline on your own GitLab instance. Here's how.

Run your own CI pipeline with GStreamer's new monorepo

Improving test coverage for cameras in KernelCI

October 08, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado  |   Blog

Earlier this year, I joined Collabora as an intern to work on improving testing in libcamera and automating it through KernelCI. Having recently completed the internship, here's a look back at this experience and what was accomplished.

Improving test coverage for cameras in KernelCI

A tale of two toolchains and glibc

September 30, 2021 by Adrian Ratiu  |   Blog

With the LLVM toolchain seeing increasing development and adoption alongside the older, more established GNU toolchain, projects needing to support both, in particular the GNU C library (glibc), are facing challenges and questions.

A tale of two toolchains and glibc

Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference 2021

September 24, 2021 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Collaborans will be actively participating in next week's activities with seven talks on topics including Rust build scripts, embedded deep learning on GStreamer, HEVC decoding on mainline Linux, PipeWire and WirePlumber, and more.

Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference 2021

Panfrost achieves OpenGL ES 3.1 conformance on Mali-G52

September 21, 2021 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   News & Events

This important milestone is a step forward for the open source driver, as it now certifies Panfrost for use in commercial products containing Mali G52 and paves the way for further conformance submissions on other Mali GPUs.

Panfrost achieves OpenGL ES 3.1 conformance on Mali-G52

Generate a minimal GStreamer build, tailored to your needs

September 16, 2021 by Stéphane Cerveau  |   News & Events

GStreamer can be tricky to ship in a constrained device. Thanks to a partnership with Huawei, you can now use gst-build to generate a minimal GStreamer build, tailored to a specific application, or set of applications. Here's how.

Generate a minimal GStreamer build, tailored to your needs

An xrdesktop summer of code

September 10, 2021 by Lubosz Sarnecki  |   Blog

This summer, Christoph Haag and I had the pleasure of taking part in Google Summer of Code as mentors for xrdesktop, the Open Source project bringing the Linux desktop to VR on Valve's SteamVR & Monado. Here's what was accomplished.

An xrdesktop summer of code

Kernel 5.14: 30 years in the making and still improving

September 07, 2021 by Nícolas F. R. A. Prado  |   News & Events

With an ever-increasing interest in more modern hardware support, and a more reliable kernel that is thoroughly tested, contributions by Collabora's developers continue to help make this a reality for the Linux kernel.

Kernel 5.14: 30 years in the making and still improving

Linaro Virtual Connect - Fall 2021

September 01, 2021 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

September's busy conference schedule kicks off next week with the Fall edition of Linaro Virtual Connect. Join us as we look at how to master your PipeWire streams with WirePlumber, and de-mystify GFX virtualization with VirGL!

Linaro Virtual Connect - Fall 2021

Why remote working can be good for people, business and environment

March 10, 2020 by Olivier Potin  |   Blog

Here at Collabora, we trust our people to work remotely, we give them full responsibility for their output, and we believe it helps creating an even stronger internal culture and comes with some other positives.

Why remote working can be good for people, business and environment

PipeWire, the media service transforming the Linux multimedia landscape

March 05, 2020 by Julian Bouzas  |   Blog

PipeWire 0.3 was released a few days ago, marking a big step forward in the effort of making this emerging media service the core layer of all multimedia on Linux.

PipeWire, the media service transforming the Linux multimedia landscape

Experimental Panfrost GLES 3.0 support has landed in Mesa

February 27, 2020 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

Panfrost's ES 3.0 support has landed in upstream Mesa and works with a mainline Linux kernel. The support is still early, but if you're feeling adventurous, feel free to give it a try on your favourite ES 3.0 applications and games.

Experimental Panfrost GLES 3.0 support has landed in Mesa

Using gcc sanitisers to get a nasty bug fixed

February 18, 2020 by Andrej Shadura  |   Blog

When a bug surprises you when doing Apertis packaging of a typical vendor code signing tool, it's time to debug it using the compiler's built-in tools.

Using gcc sanitisers to get a nasty bug fixed

FOSDEM 2020 - Recorded presentations (videos)

February 05, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   Blog

From KernelCI's new home, the latest on Zink (OpenGL on Vulkan), OpenXR & Monado, PipeWire in the automotive industry, JPEG2000, and GStreamer on the Magic Leap One, Collaborans gave talks in 6 different devrooms, as well on the main track.

FOSDEM 2020 - Recorded presentations (videos)

Opening up Mali T720

December 20, 2019 by Alyssa Rosenzweig  |   Blog

If you have a device with a Mali T720 or T820 GPU, you’re in luck – your device is now supported in upstream Mesa at feature parity with other GPUs. Get out your Allwinner H6 or Amlogic S912 board, grab the latest Mesa, and enjoy a match of SuperTuxKart!

Opening up Mali T720

New graphing tool for PipeWire debugging

December 09, 2019 by Julian Bouzas  |   Blog

PipeWire, the new and emerging open source framework that aims to greatly improve the exchange and management of audio and video streams inside a Linux system, has seen a number of improvements and bug fixes over the past year.

New graphing tool for PipeWire debugging

Building GStreamer on Windows

November 26, 2019 by Aaron Boxer  |   Blog

With the advent of meson and gst-build, it is now possible to set up a GStreamer Windows development environment that rivals the finest Linux has to offer, with full support for Visual Studio debugging into the library.

Building GStreamer on Windows

Zink: Fall Update

October 24, 2019 by Erik Faye-Lund  |   Blog

I recently went to XDC 2019, where I gave yet another talk about Zink. I kinda forgot to write a blog-post about it, so here’s me trying to make up for it… or something like that. I’ll also go into some more recent developments as well.

Zink: Fall Update

Adding stateless support to vicodec

October 09, 2019 by Dafna Hirschfeld  |   Blog

Prior to joining Collabora, I took part in Round 17 of the Outreachy internships, to work on the virtual drivers in the media subsystem of the Linux kernel, or more specifically, on the vicodec driver.

Adding stateless support to vicodec

Why HDCP support in Weston is a good thing

October 03, 2019 by Pekka Paalanen  |   Blog

What HDCP is, and why supporting HDCP in Weston is justified in both an economical and technical context.

Why HDCP support in Weston is a good thing

Virglrenderer and the state of virtualized virtual worlds

August 28, 2019 by Gert Wollny  |   Blog

With the release of virglrenderer 0.8.0, getting accelerated OpenGL within a virtual machine (VM) made a big leap forward. Since virglrenderer-0.7.0, the code base has seen ~600 commits, and Collabora provided more than 80% of these contributions.

Virglrenderer and the state of virtualized virtual worlds

Kernel 5.10: Rockchip, H.264, Bifrost & more!

December 14, 2020 by Ricardo Cañuelo Navarro  |   News & Events

Even amidst the chaos and uncertainty that 2020 brought, Linux Kernel development keeps moving forward at a constant and relentless pace. Collabora remains active, developing, maintaining, documenting and testing many parts of the kernel.

Kernel 5.10: Rockchip, H.264, Bifrost & more!

Linux App Summit 2020

November 12, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

Starting today, and running until Saturday, join us at Linux App Summit for a look at Linux graphics, PipeWire, our work with Valve, and a virtual office hour with our Engineering Manager!

Linux App Summit 2020

Monado update: Passing conformance, Android support & more

November 02, 2020 by Jakob Bornecrantz  |   News & Events

Monado 0.4 OpenXR runtime introduces initial support for Android and passes all of the OpenXR conformance tests with both OpenGL and Vulkan on desktop with a simulated device.

Monado update: Passing conformance, Android support & more

Open Source Summit Europe & ELCE 2020

October 22, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

The 4-day event is dedicated to everything open source and will showcase a program of 250+ talks. Collaborans will once again be actively participating in the week's activities, with no less than eight presentations, a BoF on KernelCI, and two panel discussions!

Open Source Summit Europe & ELCE 2020

Kernel 5.9: Onwards and upwards

October 22, 2020 by Mylène Josserand  |   News & Events

Collaborans continue to be very active in the Linux kernel, authoring over 150 commits in this release. Here's a look at the improvements, and new features, contributed by our team, notably in hardware support, multimedia, graphics and testing.

Kernel 5.9: Onwards and upwards

Collabora & GStreamer 1.18

October 06, 2020 by Stéphane Cerveau  |   News & Events

A move to GitLab. A switch to the powerful Meson build system. A fast and reliable CI system implemented. The GStreamer community has been busy, bringing a bevy of enhancements to 1.18. Here's a look at the key contributions by Collaborans.

Collabora & GStreamer 1.18

X.Org Developer's Conference 2020

September 15, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

The lineup of great virtual conferences continues this week with the 2020 edition of X.Org Developer's Conference (XDC), the leading event for developers working on all things Open graphics, including the Linux kernel, Mesa, DRM, Wayland and X11.

X.Org Developer's Conference 2020

One week, two events: DebConf20 & Linux Plumbers Conference

August 24, 2020 by Mark Filion  |   News & Events

August ends on a high note with two virtual events this week: DebConf20, Debian's annual conference, and Linux Plumbers Conference, the premier event for developers working at all levels of the Linux kernel's plumbing layer and beyond.

One week, two events: DebConf20 & Linux Plumbers Conference

Kernel 5.8: Collabora's biggest & most significant contributions yet!

August 05, 2020 by Dafna Hirschfeld  |   News & Events

The ability for a relatively small software consultancy to contribute at this level demonstrates a fantastic improvement in vendors' mindset when it comes to working Open First and providing mainline support out-of-box as early as possible.

Kernel 5.8: Collabora's biggest & most significant contributions yet!

Lighthouse positional tracking in Monado with libsurvive

July 17, 2020 by Christoph Haag  |   News & Events

HTC Vive (Pro) and Valve Index hardware users can now experiment with positional tracking in Monado, thanks to the implementation of a libsurvive driver using the libsurvive library developed by Charles Lohr, David Berger and many contributors.

Lighthouse positional tracking in Monado with libsurvive

WirePlumber 0.3 released, now ready for the desktop

July 16, 2020 by George Kiagiadakis  |   News & Events

It is with great pleasure that we announce the availability of WirePlumber (the PipeWire session manager) version 0.3.0. This release brings support for desktop use cases and is a working drop-in replacement for PipeWire's example session manager.

WirePlumber 0.3 released, now ready for the desktop

Welcoming five new Collaborans!

July 09, 2020 by Erica Ryoo  |   News & Events

Despite the many obstacles brought on by the pandemic, Collabora continues to build and strengthen its engineering and administration teams for the road ahead. Join us in welcoming Angelica, Raghavendra, Doug, Italo and Theodotos!

Welcoming five new Collaborans!

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Embedded World

March 11-13, Nuremberg, Germany


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